Détails sur un document du GENRE

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Titre : Land Tenure, Gender and Globalisation

Catégorie : Rapport

Nombre de page : 312

Date de publication : 01-01-2017

Edition : Dzodzi Tsikata & Pamela Golah

Auteur : Dzodzi Tsikata & Pamela Golah

Pays : GENRE


The phenomenon of globalisation2 has, over the years, generated a vast amount of literature wherein certain questions have been debated at length. One of these pertains to whether the phenomenon is essentially economic in nature, that is, involving the globalisation of production, trade and finance and deploying new technologies to great effect (Gills 2002), or whether it is multi-dimensional with economic, technological, cultural and political aspects, each of which can be privileged depending on the subject of discussion (Wanitzek and Woodman 2004). Related to this is the question of how to date globalisation; whether it has been with us since European adventurers sailed round the world in search of precious cargo, or whether it had its beginnings in the 1980s. While there is no simple alignment of positions on these issues—for example those who argue that globalisation is essentially an economic phenomenon are not in agreement as to its starting point—it is possible to discern that discussions which privilege the cultural and technological dimensions tend to focus less on the question of growing inequalities among nations and people, the rising power of trans-national corporations and the loss of sovereign decision-making in national spaces. Instead, they have sought to highlight the shrinking of space and time, the homogenisation of cultures and political systems, Dzodzi Tsikata the importance of ideas and discourses in shaping the world, the creation of global knowledge systems powered by advances in com munication technologies, and the impact of local processes on global developments.

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